Win the Fight Against the Flu

January 29, 2018

It's that time of year again -- FLU SEASON -- and a particularly bad one at that.

Here are a few quick things you can do to keep your immune system strong this winter (for more detailed explanations, read my blog post on the subject):

1. SLEEP. It's so underrated and undervalued in our go-go-go society, but it can be the difference between sickness and health. Shoot for 7 hours minimum.

2. Take Vitamin D. This is a quick, easy fix. Take 5,000 iu of a D3/K2 blend per day.

3. Limit sugar and processed foods. Sugar paralyzes the immune system for 4-6 hours. What if you get sneezed on right after your morning muffin?

4. Wash up. Just with regular soap, not anti-bacterial anything (those kill the good bacteria too -- and just when we need them most!).

5. Eat fruits & veggies! The micronutrients in these foods keep your body -- and, hence, your immune system -- functioning optimally.